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domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

Gala: Estamos gobernados por una pandilla de gilipollas


It seems that this country is ruled by a collection of fools who have come together to play a game, cards, or dominoes, and do not know the rules. And then there's poor Rajoy, who to me always made ​​me laugh, but now I feel bad because he can not do. The truth is that we are ruled by a bunch of assholes.

Llamazares, lide de IU ha argumentado que los actos de desobediencia civil están justificados por la "pobreza severa" que se sufre en España en este momento de crisis.

Llamazares, UI , United LEFT,   leadership has argued that acts of civil disobedience is justified by the "severe poverty" suffered in Spain at this time of crisis.


“La financiación estatal que recibe la Iglesia Católica, en aplicación de la normativa vigente, no está sometida a la posibilidad de aplicar sobre la misma criterios discrecionales de reducción o ajuste de su cuantía global con objeto de contribuir al cumplimiento de los objetivos de estabilidad presupuestaria”

"State funding received by the Catholic Church, under current legislation, is not subject to the possibility of applying the same criteria for discretionary reduction or adjustment of the overall amount to contribute to meeting the budgetary stability objectives ".


Actor Alejo Saura  afirma que su serie 'República', "está hecha con dinero público y el motivo por el que no se emite en la TV estatal TVE no es la falta de dinero, porque ya está pagada". "Según tengo entendido, es simplemente que si no la emiten no tienen que reflejarla en su presupuesto como gasto, aunque esté ya pagada y el dinero haya sido gastado", explica.

Actor Alexis Saura says his series 'Republic', which has not yet issued prints and 17 chapters, "is made with public money and the reason is not issued on state TV TVE is not lack of money, because is paid. ""As I have understood, is simply that if the issue does not have to reflect it in their budget as an expense, even if already paid and the money has been spent," he explains.

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