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jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

The old woman who won the big bank

La Caixa has fully returned the money to Antonia Brenes, Arahal neighbor affected by the preference shares. It is the only such operation was done in Spain.

Antonia Brenes has signed with the bank a confidentiality agreement so it can not explain the exact terms of the agreement. But this morning he entered full money in the account, a total of 30,000 euros.
According to his lawyer, Jose Lara was the only transaction relating to the preference that has been done in Spain. "It was a lot of news with impact but each case is different so give different solutions," said Jara.

La Caixa agreed at the last meeting held in late August to convert the money invested by Antonia Brenes in preference shares in a number of banking products that will not go against his heritage. Asked within fifteen days. It has taken a little longer but today it has signed the contract.

This Arahal neighbor has been 55 days Cajasol door demanding the return of money that entered the account and could not get. Antonia Brenes, like thousands of victims of Andalusia and Spain, could recover some of this money by passing convertible bonds but lost more than 40 percent of the money and could not get it out of the account for at least two years.

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

When danger is the common people who are hungry

The Plaza of Spain (Sevilla) yesterday afternoon was taken by the police. The danger, the people of the town. The legendary group of Morón, which evolved on stage just at the end of the biggest public outcry that has come in the recent Andalucía history. Born in the heat of the historic protests of the 80s, have now returned to make popular music, social content, featuring new album to commemorate its 30 years.

Townspeople, Paradas, Arahal, Morón, Osuna, Marchena and many other of Andalusia, are the new face of hunger, and they protest. In Morón, capital of Seville Sierra Sur, mass center emigration to Catalonia in the 70s, the SAT has 800 members, 40,000 in total Andalusia.

For the Seville Baroque and civil servant, who lives of public money, students and tourism, laborers are so hated as admired and unknown. The reality verging on propaganda media has finished hiding the social reality of the protagonists. The laborers who are in need, but instead of having his anguish in the silence of his apartment and property mortgaged bank, take to the streets.

For the conservative press in Seville, the problem is Marinaleda protesters. Before yesterday's march, the protest found general ignorance from Sevilla citizens, except the usual alternative groups.

For Marinaleda laborers, like those from Marchena, Paradas, Arahal or Moron, the SAT, Andalusian Workers Trade Union there is not "the union of Gordillo", but 30-year history.
It's the new face of hunger sticking up, the labor force from 70s feed and grew up Sevilla city with rural migrant remittances, observed with paternalism, fear and disdain.

Manuel Martín Pradas, Marinalera neighbor unemployed laborer and has participated in all working days of the march by the Andalusian provinces.

This march has been "hard and tense, because you do not know what to expect, and how the police will react" and is justified in that, "people in the Andalusian rural villages are hungry. However, it has not been the hardest protest, "Im 80s I was in taking the AVE, in the march to Madrid, protests much harder." His first protest was to get public drinking water in Marinaleda, "and since then for 30 years we live a succession of protest."

He refuses to accept the proposition that they are, a social problem, "we are a reference point, if all people were equal, the government would have many problems". For Manuel, "we are not only fighting for ourselves but for the whole of Andalusia, but people are not aware, we are branded as crazy, but when they are interested in, and benefit, then we are right."

Following the protest of the SAT, Osuna received partial ownership of the property The Turquillas, now operates his council, leasing the land to a company. "However Osuna, conservative people, involved very little in our protest," said Manuel. Rejects the management model of Las Turquillas in Osuna an put as a model Los Humosos, "where land, jobs and production are ours."

The difference, in this SAT protest was the opponent. Rajoy's government, which this Marinaleda laborer expressed with difficulty, says "he has 15 days to left the government of Spain" echoing the rumor that circulated throughout Spain yesterday that Rato will be his replacement. "But it is the same thins, same dog with another collar, we will continue to suffer unemployment and hunger. In 90 percent of Andalusia, there is hunger".  What we want, is to work every day, as if you have to put up a fight, we are ready. "

Meanwhile, Cañamero involved in the scenario of the Plaza of Spain saying that if there is hunger, people dont need to worry, "the supermarkets are full", and if you are homeless, "there are thousands of empty flats." Hundreds of police officers monitor each of their movements.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

ANALISIS: Medios extranjeros hablan de rescate y salida de Rajoy del Gobierno

Confirmado. Las noticias de interés están fuera de la prensa oficialista española. Es decir, para enterarnos de lo que pasa aquí tenemos que acudir a la prensa foránea. Medios internacionales hablan de segundo rescate español el próximo fin de semana, 14 de septiembre y posterior salida del gobierno Rajoy, aunque no se menciona que pasará después con el gobierno. La experiencia de Grecia e Italia nos hablan de un gobierno de tecnócratas. 


Si acudimos a las fuentes originales encontramos que la cadena económica Bloomberg, adelantó en un día, las delcaraciones de ayer del BCE: la fuente, un memorándum interno de Goldam Sachs, el causante de la crisis americana, y para quien trabajó De Guindos, antes de ser ministro. 


En resumen, dice que lo anunciado ayer por el BCE, esta dentro de las espectativas de Goldman. Schumacher, economista de Goldman dijo que espera que España pida un rescate la próxima semana en la próxima reunión de ministros de Finanzas del Eurogrupo , ahora que los detalles del BCE de compra de bonos del programa han sido revelados. 

Esta versión coincide con las declaraciones del ministro de Hacienda Luis de Guindos de que España estaba a la espera de conocer los detalles sobre el plan del BCE antes de presentar una solicitud de rescate financiero. 

Este es el siguiente calendario previsto por el memorándum interno de Goldman Sachs que circula por webs internacionales: 
-12 de septiembre : El Tribunal Constitucional alemán da su bendición a la ESM. Esto permitiría la ratificación alemana para ser completado y la ESM debe establecerse en un tiempo relativamente corto. 

-13 a 14 septiembre : España hará una petición formal de apoyo EFSF en la reunión del Eurogrupo. Presionado por el fin de plazo para devolver intereses por rendimiento de bonos (y sin tener dinero para pagarlo) a finales de octubre (y bajo la presión de otros gobiernos de la zona del euro), esperamos que España avance hacia la búsqueda de apoyo. 

Segunda quincena de septiembre : La condicionalidad requerida por EFSF tendrá que ser aceptada por las autoridades españolas, probablemente será necesario el voto parlamentario. En paralelo, la aprobación de los demás países de la zona euro para la prestación de apoyo EFSF tendrá que obtener: en algunos países (especialmente Alemania), esto también requerirá la aprobación parlamentaria. 

-A finales de septiembre / principios de octubre : Memorando de Entendimiento (MoU), que codifica la condicionalidad se firma, la formalización de la disponibilidad de apoyo EFSF para España. En este momento, las condiciones necesarias establecidas por el Sr. Draghi del BCE para la compra de deuda soberana se han cumplido, muy por delante de la caducidad de los bonos españoles en octubre". 

Ante estas revelaciones crece la sospecha de que grandes corporaciones internacionales están marcando nuestra agenda político y lo que es peor, nuestro futuro. 

Sobre la posible marcha de Rajoy, es el semanario aleman de cabecera de Merkel, Der Spiegel, el que indica claramenteDER SPIEGEL que un segundo rescate será el fin político de Rajoy. VERSION ALEMANA 

La prensa española esta atenazada por deudas con bancos, que a su vez dependen del gobierno y de la UE. En resumidas cuentas, toda la información que no pase por canales oficiales está controlada, y serán las autoridades político-económicas las que decidan cuándo darán esta información. 


Hoy, el Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores marchará por las calles de Sevilla con la presencia de muchos marcheneros, al igual que ya ha hecho en el resto de provincias españolas. 

El próximo lunes, día 10, por la tarde en el salón de actos del Ayuntamiento de Marchena habrá una reunión convocada por ciudadanos anónimos, pertenecientes a movimientos sociales para preparar la marcha a Madrid del próximo 15 de septiembre, un día después del supuesto anuncio de rescate. 

Autobuses saldrán de Marchena a la 1 de la madrugada del sábado 14, hacia la gran macro manifestación de Madrid, convocada por centenares de asociaciones y colectivos sociales y sindicales de todo el país y de toda ideología.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

No more public money to unrecoverable banks

The European Union is forcing the Spanish government not to allocate more public funds to unrecoverable banks with public budgets, while thousands of Spanish people stay hungry because state budget cuts.

Spanish government does not want to hear about liquidating financial institutions, but has been forced to explicitly include this possibility in the Royal Decree of the reform that last for Brussels requirement for banks unviable.
However, De Guindos has finally acceded to pressure from Brussels, and the text includes the settlement with the sole exclusion of systemic entities, to safeguard Bankia.

But each time there are more voices that indicate that not only no systemic banks, in a globalized economy as the Spanish, but the government's refusal to close banks with losses, and inject public money at the expense of the welfare of one citizens just trying to hide the bad gestios and criminal liability of political managers of savings banks.
  This is the case of European Commissioners, including Joaquin Almunia, Competition Commissioner, Berguer Michel, European Commissioner of Internal Market or Francisco Viyuela, director of Independent Advisor.

Viyuela says it's cheaper to let drop a bank than inject money public money, because there are investors in those entities that can take those losses.

Viyuela says there are no systemic banks in Spain, "because there is a lot of money from investors and not having to come to depositors."
According Viyuela "Politicians want to avoid at all costs that have been recognized in public the have manged very badly savings banks" because this could lead to criminal and serious legal consequences for their respective parties.

Against let drop banks are the main Spanish political parties and trade unions, all involved in the management of the social savings companyes, also called "cajas de ahorro". To take an example, Cajasol.
¿How was elected the board of Cajasol, the main source of the PSOE, main left party, financiation?. They were appointed a representative of the Junta de Andalucia, another of the city of Seville, and the largest municipalities in the area, one of the Provincial Diputation and other unions representing. The same has happened with other savings similar entities in all the country.

No more public money to unrecoverable banks

The European Union is forcing the Spanish government not to allocate more public funds to unrecoverable banks with public budgets, while thousands of Spanish people stay hungry because crisis.

Spanish government does not want to hear about liquidating financial institutions, but has been forced to explicitly include this possibility in the Royal Decree of the reform that last for Brussels requirement for banks unviable.
However, De Guindos has finally acceded to pressure from Brussels, and the text includes the settlement with the sole exclusion of entities whose cerrojazo jeopardize the entire system, to safeguard Bankia.

Group says Gibraltar is mass-firing Spain workers


An organization representing Spaniards working in Gibraltar says the tiny British colony located near Spain's southernmost tip has fired around 10 percent of its Spanish workforce since the beginning of this year.

The organization of Spanish workers and pensioners in Gibraltar, CITYPEG, said in a statement that some 500 Spanish workers had lost their jobs there. The statement said around 5,000 Spaniards cross the border every day to find employment on the self-governing rock.

The organization's director, Francisco Ponce, said the majority had been in the construction industry. He said there was a danger that Spaniards working in other public sector jobs were at risk of termination because employers were favoring native of Gibraltar in job relocation programs.

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

The old woman who beat one of the strongest banks in Europe

Image: Today, Antonia Brenes, left his protest. The end of two months of protest. Credit: Carmen Gozanlez,

After two months vacationing in the bank door she believes that swindled, Antonia Brenes, the old woman Arahal, Sevilla, which has held solo protest against the bank manager who invited her to put 33,000 euros, the savings of a lifetime of work in a high-riresgo, without their consent , today received the best news of his life.

La Caixa, has agreed today to return her money, after media coverage of its activities, make repercussions in the media across all the country.

This tenacious woman became a headache for La Caixa, one of the strongest banks in Europe, after appearing on national television programs. The national TV echoed the information to the local newspaper each day www.Arahalinformació conveniently amplified by social networks, and the Web news recommendation,, who managed to turn a local story, in an event of national interest.

Today was the last day of their protest after the bank has been informed of the intention to return her money. After achieving national notoriety a law firm, offered to defend free. After studying the case, lawyers were clear indications that it could be a scam.

But for now it is only a promise from the bank will have to materialize, but the old announced that if no solutions, return with their protest, which was to sit in front of the bank every morning to 9-2 with temperatures of 40 degrees.

José Jara, a lawyer at Garoña & Associates, told this website that Cajasol could have committed a crime of fraud as defined in article 248 of the penal code. According to the article "scam comment which, for profit, deception utilizaren enough to produce error in another, leading him to perform an act of prejudice available in their own or another".

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Leader laborer become hero by the conservative government

The press and the right government, PP, -PopularParty-  inadvertently became a hero the leader of agricultural workers in Andalusia, Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo.

Last week, the ministers of Interior and Justice ordered his arrest after he staged a symbolic act, taking without pay seven shopping carts in a supermarket Ecija, Seville, southern Spain to send it to poor people affected by the crisis. Southern Spain, is the poorest region in spain with alarmants rates of unemployment. 

Alarmed by the right-wing press, which warned of damage to the external image of Spain in such a sensitive time and the bad example that others could follow, the government reacted forcefully to a fact on record was only through TV images. 

But Sanchez Gordillo did not participate directly in so-called attacks on supermarkets, only attracted the interest of the police outside the establishment. Therefore did not commit any crime, and his teammates either. The value of the stolen is less than neccesary to be a robbery, the act could not be called crime according to Spanish penal code. There were some arrests, a few hours after they were released to the evidence.

Since then, the reputation of the spanish agro-leaders is increasing in the media nationally and internationally. The leaders of the Union of Workers Andalusia, Diego Sanchez Gordillo and Cañamero have attracted the interest of the world press, and have taken thousands of hours of local TV in Spain. His speech is politically incorrect, but real talk of misery and poverty. They work the land. Most are not professional politicians, to the widespread discrediting of Spanish professional politicians of all ideology.

The government has not gone well the play. In addition, Der Spiegel, German weekly, accuses the government of being the main problem for the image of Spain. Conservative Spanish government runs out of time and knows it.

Meanwhile, the most pro-government right-wing press attacks without rigor or mercy to leaders laborers "rebels", accusing them of all kinds of criminal acts allegedly committed in recent decades.

In a country where the level of corruption has grown dramatically in recent years, splashing the royal house, the major political parties and all ranks of government, to stop a labor leader, without power or glory to steal a few bags chickpeas, looks like a bad joke.

While growing popular anger against the government, Andalusian day laborers union workers, with thousands of members, have begun a march on the roads of southern Spain, 40 degrees in the shade of August to bring people to their cause .

Today, the Andalusian Union workers get help from their website for Andalucia walking by. They need money to buy water and snacks to hundreds of people who have joined their march. HOW TO CONTRIBUTE

This story in the international press FRANCEUSA, POLAND RUSSIA, ITALY, UK, CHINA

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Erasmus students gather to remember the best years of their lives

A group of Erasmus students gather to mark the 25th anniversary of the student exchange program of the European Union, to analyze the experience that qualify as the best year of their lives. With youth jobless and practically doomed to leave the country to seek work, mobility programs created by universities become more effective, especially where unemployment rates are higher.

Studying or working abroad is already another career. Anyone who has traveled knows. Erasmus students tell their experiences abroad in next edition of the Conference of the European Union, organized by the Society for the Development of Marchena -Sevilla-, Sodemar, in what many are calling it the best year of their lives.

Wito Carmona Vargas, studied economics in Naples two years ago. "Living in a country other than one year gives you experience and open mind and you relate to people around the world" and calls it "a unique opportunity that exists only once in life."

Studying physical education in Athens, the birthplace of the sport and the Olympic Games is not a bad idea. It's what made Francisco Javier Cortés Pazos, several years ago. Francisco is very clear. "Traveling abroad opens your mind, travel abroad, broadens your mind".

A Erasmus is a "unique opportunity presented to you in life to live outside, learning a language, formed you, meet people from around the world," he says. This year, sharing an apartment with two girls, one Polish and one French, have learned to "cook, clean, iron, and live with people all over the world. (...). "It's the best year of my life."

CONFERENCE OF EUROPEAN UNION. 18, 19 and 20 September.
Sala Carrera (C / .Carrera, 3) Marchena.Sevilla. 
Tuition Price: 12 € uros. 25th Anniversary of the Erasmus Programme.
Training and mobility. Youth in Motion.

The victims of the Spanish crisis occupied houses property of banks

"The bank has plenty thousands of empty houses that no one can buy, and we lack the Spanish houses in which to live. Therefore, we call social justice," said the girl Irma Blanco.
She and other women in the community Neighboring Corrala of Utopia, has occupied a building in Seville that was two years without a suitcase. In just five days and were housed 36 families.

"Our work shows that this problem is not marginal, it affects everyone," explains White, 35, and a Diploma in Social Work from the University Pablo de Olavide of Seville.

In Spain there are more than three million vacant homes and, according to the General Council of Judicial Power, in the first quarter of 2012 there were 46,559 evictions, an average of 517 foreclosures per day.

Access to housing for young people is also complicated by the high unemployment rate with the living, about 50%, and the minimum wage in Spain does not reach the 642 euros (U.S. $ 803).

martes, 14 de agosto de 2012

Foreign media speak of "scandal" by the "cowardly" journalists layoffs

The Financial Times highlights accusing Madrid of interfencia in the media. The chronicle of Miles Johnson published on August 9 says: "Growing criticism of the Government of Spain for political interference in state TV after a series of outputs of high-profile journalists considered critical of the Popular Party in recent months. Several of the leading journalists have been in rough conditions, following a government decision to Mariano Rajoy earlier this year to reverse a law that required to approve appointments to Spanish Broadcasting by two-thirds majority in parliament.

The Guardian speaks of cowardly purge of journalists in Spain posed difficult questions. The article by Miguel Anxo Murado notes that "the dismissal of journalists from the Spanish state broadcaster shows how the government of Mariano Rajoy has lost ground. Spain has always struggled with the impartiality and objectivity. Interestingly, most interviewers are laid off, work that makes sense only when the journalist is on the opposite side.

Le Monde notes that there is a scandal in Spain by the layoffs. The text, dated August 9: "After the resounding rejection of some of the most famous Spanish radio and television, there is growing unease among journalists who fear that the right-wing government is getting into shape for public broadcasting . On Saturday, the new management of the public broadcaster TVE, appointed by the government of Mariano Rajoy, retired as Ana Pastor, star reporter of the morning. It is a "political decision", accuses her in The Country.

Famous for his incisive interviews, Ana Pastor disturbed during the last election a number of senior representatives of the Partido Popular (PP).

City Council canceled the bank account that defrauded an elderly

Arahal City Council canceled today the account that has opened in Cajasol. It will do in order to support Antonia Brenes and other Arahal affected by the preference shares. Today, by order of the Tax Office has taken the 120,000 euros that were entered. According to the councilor in charge, Jonathan Morilla, "is the only measure of pressure can do".

This measure was announced in the last plenary session which unanimously passed a motion urging the Central Government to the Board of Directors and General Assemblies of the banks and solucionasen the problem.

Municipal officials requested the application of the formulas and procedures to be repaid immediately or invested capital is reached satisfactory agreements with those affected.

The motion also specified that "have committed various irregularities in the marketing of these preference shares, in particular with regard to a complete lack of information on product features especially in regard to their lack of liquidity and its perpetuity because under the guise of a deposit is placed a perpetual product whose investment can not be retrieved at this time of economic crisis, just when necessary, have made it. "

Some councilors do not rule out attending the rally in support of Antonia Brenes called for tomorrow at the doors of the bank branch, Cajasol old, currently in the process of integration into La Caixa. Family members have prepared a basket full of thistles to give them to the branch manager.

On Tuesday 14 at ten o'clock is planned concentration. The family has requested the support of neighbors and friends and local calls through Arahal that adds information to anyone who wants. For the concentration plan to collect enough thorns (thorny wildflower) for attendees to have it delivered to the director of the branch.

After it was front page of the website the history of this neighbor who has one and a half protesting in front of the bank to get your money back, published in Arahal Information, several media outlets nationwide have been interested in the subject. Antonia Brenes will start tomorrow in the program Ana Rosa Quintana, Telecinco and Cuatro cameras come. Today talked with ABC Punto Radio.


Moreover, the Andalusian Ombudsman, José Chamizo, recorded today in the Senior Prosecutor of Andalusia, based in Granada, 300 records of claims and complaints received in relation to preference shares and sought to investigate the facts and responsibilities are purged because in many cases is suspected to have a "crime", according to Europa Press.

In Andalusia it is estimated that about 67,000 people are affected by this issue, with capital assets of "hundreds of millions" of euros, as noted Chamizo, who has stated that in the case of these 300 cases the average investment is between 6,000 and 10,000 euros.

Antonia Brenes, a retired woman from a village-agricultural Arahal Inhabitants of 20.00 near Seville, the capital of Andalucia Takes more than a month at the gates of La Caixa, one of the three largest banks in the country-after feeling cheated. She lost all the Savings of her working life Because of the bank According To His complaint.

She thought she got € 33,000 fixed term, without Knowing It Was But buying preferred shares, a product of High Risk Informed Which was not at Any Time by the bank. In protest, the old Antonia Brenes installed WAS With An umbrella and an inflatable pool at the doors of the bank, Where I spend the plans to Entire summer.

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

Gala: Estamos gobernados por una pandilla de gilipollas


It seems that this country is ruled by a collection of fools who have come together to play a game, cards, or dominoes, and do not know the rules. And then there's poor Rajoy, who to me always made ​​me laugh, but now I feel bad because he can not do. The truth is that we are ruled by a bunch of assholes.

Llamazares, lide de IU ha argumentado que los actos de desobediencia civil están justificados por la "pobreza severa" que se sufre en España en este momento de crisis.

Llamazares, UI , United LEFT,   leadership has argued that acts of civil disobedience is justified by the "severe poverty" suffered in Spain at this time of crisis.


“La financiación estatal que recibe la Iglesia Católica, en aplicación de la normativa vigente, no está sometida a la posibilidad de aplicar sobre la misma criterios discrecionales de reducción o ajuste de su cuantía global con objeto de contribuir al cumplimiento de los objetivos de estabilidad presupuestaria”

"State funding received by the Catholic Church, under current legislation, is not subject to the possibility of applying the same criteria for discretionary reduction or adjustment of the overall amount to contribute to meeting the budgetary stability objectives ".


Actor Alejo Saura  afirma que su serie 'República', "está hecha con dinero público y el motivo por el que no se emite en la TV estatal TVE no es la falta de dinero, porque ya está pagada". "Según tengo entendido, es simplemente que si no la emiten no tienen que reflejarla en su presupuesto como gasto, aunque esté ya pagada y el dinero haya sido gastado", explica.

Actor Alexis Saura says his series 'Republic', which has not yet issued prints and 17 chapters, "is made with public money and the reason is not issued on state TV TVE is not lack of money, because is paid. ""As I have understood, is simply that if the issue does not have to reflect it in their budget as an expense, even if already paid and the money has been spent," he explains.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

The protest of a cheated old woman: flowers with thorns for the bank manager


Antonia Brenes, a retired woman from a village Arahal-agricultural inhabitants of 20.00 near Seville, the capital of Andalucia takes more than a month at the gates of La Caixa, one of the three largest banks in the country-after feeling cheated. She lost all the savings of her working life because of the bank according to his complaint.

She thought she got € 33,000 fixed term, but without knowing it was buying preferred shares, a product of high risk which was not informed at any time by the bank. In protest, the old Antonia Brenes was installed with an umbrella and an inflatable pool at the doors of the bank, where he plans to spend the entire summer.

As it thousands of people in Spain have been shortchanged in recent years, and now begin to occur early court decisions in favor of the defrauded, after years of legal struggle.

Antonia is an example of the crisis. Rural working woman barely literate. His whole life has been harsh working conditions in the field during the Franco era and later, with the intention of building a better future for herself and her children, and achieve a fee with which to qualify for a pension that guarantees a certain stability in retirement.

Purposes here now can not meet because of the greed of the bank. These practices have become common in the last decade, most Spanish banks, which now will be helped by the EU with more than 100,000 million.

On Tuesday 14 August the whole town is called a protest to support it. The branch manager has asked you to leave but she is still there.

Symbolically, the old woman delivered each morning to the director of the bank office with a dried flower spikes, which are easily found in the fields near the village. It is the symbol of their protest, so next Tuesday, August 14 all the people in that demonstrations will dry flowers with thorns to the bank manager.

jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012

Der Spiegel predice: Un "rescate total" será el final de Rajoy

Der Spiegel ataca al gobierno español y dice que España no es Grecia

                                 Foto: AFP

El semanario alemán Der Spiegel ofrece una imagen del presidente Rajoy de incapacidad y baja solvencia, que ha dilapidado en sólo seis meses todo su bagaje político. Insinuó que Rajoy  molesta con sus llamadas desesperadas a sus socios europeos.

Literalmente dice que "la bancarrota política española es un problema más que añadir" a la ya larga lista de los problemas del país. Toma nota de que esto no es lo mejor para la cuarta economía de la zona euro, y que no ofrece la imagen de socio solvente y fiable de la UE.

El semanario critica al presidente español por la falta de una política de comunicación, por haber llegado a tranquilizar a la gente y los mercados con discursos en televisión. Asegura literalmente que "Rajoy es irritante para sus socios europeos con frenéticas llamadas telefónicas".

"Este comportamiento no inspira confianza. Se parece más a una declaración de bancarrota política", dice el articulo firmado por Erich Follath y Helene Zuber . También es crítico con algunos ministros del gobierno por su constante contradicción, en su discurso, dando la imagen de poca unidad y solvencia.

Dice que el gobierno tiene "una incapacidad para coordinar la política económica y para explicar el razonamiento detrás de las acciones tomadas por el gobierno", continúa diciendo que sus mentiras han enfurecido a la población. Indica si hay un rescate total y llegan los temidos hombres de negro, será el final de la carrera política de Rajoy. No indicar si esto significa que la UE impondrá un gobierno de tecnócratas o se trata de un recambio en el interior del propio PP.

También criticó las políticas neoliberales que inflaron la burbuja inmobiliaria en décadas pasadas, y a la Unión Europea por no llevar un control exhaustivo de la ayuda europea concedida al país en las últimas décadas. Según Der Spiegel, los fondos eurpeos no han servido para modernizar el país, sino para construir una infraestructura innecesaria enorme, ordenada por una clase política ineficiente.
Toma nota de que el país no ha logrado ser competitivo y ha vivido bajo un excesivo proteccionismo estatal también, heredado de la época de la dictadura, hace 40 años.

Alaba a la paciencia que están teniendo los españoles a pesar de las dificultades y destaca que sólo a finales de julio hubo un aumento de protestas y huelgas, y prevé que suceden de nuevo en septiembre después del paréntesis de agosto. Indica  las tasas de desempleo elevadas y concluye que si este entorno social de inestabilidad y protestas se incrementa será un problema adicional.

Indica que los españoles no están dispuestos a aceptar recortes en las pensiones y la salud: "Los españoles no están dispuestos a aceptar sin más la idea de que los miembros más débiles de la sociedad deben ser privados de la red de seguridad social, pero están expresando su descontento sin ser agresivo. En España, a diferencia de Grecia, las manifestaciones se han celebrado sin violencia ".

"¿Es este un país estable, confiable socio de la Unión Europea esto a menudo elogiado como la alianza de" ancla sur ", la cuarta mayor economía de la zona euro después de Alemania, Francia e Italia, en una encrucijada?. Se pregunta, interrogándose sobre si podría suceder "un retorno a la los tiempos autoritarios, nacionalistas, 37 años después de la muerte del ex dictador Francisco Franco? "escribe Der Spiegel.

También hace un breve repaso del "historial antieuropeo" del país, desde el siglo XVI, con algunas estructuras de poder ultra-conservadores que tradicionalmente han evitado la innovación y todo el progreso social o económico, con  todos los ilustrados y modernos procedentes de Europa durante siglos vistos como anti españoles.

Señala que "esta actitud llegó a su clímax con las expediciones infelices para garantizar el brutal régimen colonial y de la Inquisición, durante el cual atrocidades inimaginables fueron cometidas en nombre de la iglesia eran también un rechazo deliberado de Europa".

Pero también hay un lado positivo. 

Der Spiegel cree que España no es Grecia, que tiene un alto interés como destino de vacaciones para los alemanes, un paraíso de playas, monumentos, cultura e historia y tiene unas activos multinacionales importante para los inversionistas, citando el Banco Santander como mejor banco en el mundo en el 2012, empresas como Inditex o Telefónica. Sin embargo, también señala que la innovación y la tecnología siempre has sido olvidadas.

Para Der Spiegel, el principal problema son los bancos españoles.

"Las primas de gran interés para los bonos públicos españoles en los mercados internacionales no se basan en fundamentos, como dijo el ministro de Finanzas alemán, Wolfgang Schäuble, el pasado martes durante una reunión en Berlín con su homólogo español. El principal problema de España es la liquidez, en particular con sus bancos ".

Para Der Spiegel, Madrid junto a Roma y Paris tiene previsto desarrollar una nueva estrategia para aplicar presión a la Canciller Merkel, enfrentado el sur y el norte de Europa. Señala la reunión de los tres primeros ministros de los citados paises a inicios de septiembre. El mismo día que Draghi tendrá que explicar a sus colegas en el Consejo del BCE porqué su idea para imprimir dinero se supone que funciona.

Der Spiegel predicts: A "total rescue" will be the end of Rajoy

Der Spiegel and attacks the Spanish government Spain is not Greece

The Spanish are naked, helpless and defenseless against our government according to Der Spiegel
                                 Image: AFP

The German weekly Der Spiegel spoke in a review article on the Spanish reality referring to the image of disability and low solvency about Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, who has squandered in just six months all of its political baggage. He even hinted that Rajoy is a hysterical annoying with their desperate calls to its European partners.

Literally says that "the Spanish political bankruptcy is a problem more to be added" to the already long list of problems the country. Notes that this is not the best for the fourth economy in the euro zone, or offers the image of country solvent and reliable partner of the EU.

The weekly criticizing spanish president and government for the lack of a policy of communication, not to have come to reassure people and markets with speeches on TV and said that "Rajoy is irritating to its European partners with frantic phone calls" .

"This behavior does not inspire confidence. Looks more like a declaration of political bankruptcy." Also critical that while some government ministers constantly contradict, in his speech and image including giving little unity and solvency.

He says the government has "an inability to coordinate economic policy and to explain the reasoning behind the actions taken by the government" continued his lies have angered the population. Indicates if there is a total baylout and become the feared black men, will be the end of the political career of Rajoy. Not indicate whether this means that there will be a government of technocrats or a relay inside the PP itself.

Also criticized the neoliberal policies that inflated the housing bubble over, and the European Union not to keep a tight check on European aid granted to the country in recent decades. According to Der Spiegel, eurpeos funds have failed to modernize the country, but to build enormous unnecessary infrastructure, in order for an inefficient political class. Notes that the country has failed to be competitive and has lived under a state protectionism too, inherited from the era of dictatorship, 40 years ago.

He praises the patience that are taking the Spanish despite the difficulties and notes that only in late July increased protests and strikes, which foresees happening again in September after the August parentheses. Notes the towering unemployment rates and concludes that this social environment of instability and protests will be increased an additional problem.

Indicates that the Spanish are not willing to accept cuts in pensions and health: "The Spanish are not willing to accept without question the idea that the weaker members of society must be deprived of the social safety net, but are expressing their dissatisfaction without being aggressive. In Spain, unlike Greece, the demonstrations have been held without violence. "

"Is this a stable, reliable partner European Union this often praised as the alliance of" southern anchor ", the fourth largest economy in the euro zone after Germany, France and Italy, at a crossroads? And it could not even see a return to the times authoritarian, nationalist, 37 years after the death of former dictator Francisco Franco? "write Der Spiegel.

Also a brief review of the "anti European history" of the country, from the sixteenth century with some ultra-conservative power structures that have traditionally plugged all innovation and all social or economic progress, indicating that all enlightened and modern coming from Europe for centuries has been seen as anti Spanish.

It notes that "this attitude reached its climax unhappy expeditions to ensure brutal colonial rule and the Inquisition, during which unimaginable atrocities committed in the name of the church. They were also a deliberate rejection of Europe."

But there is also a positive side. Der Spiegel believes that Spain is not Greece, which has a high interest as a holiday destination for Germans, a paradise of beaches, monuments, culture and history and has a multinational and very important assets for investors, citing the bank Santander as the best bank in the world in 2012, companies such as Inditex, or Telefonica. However also notes that long innovation and technology has been forgotten.

To Der Spiegel, the main problem are the Spanish banks.

"Premiums of great interest to the Spanish government bonds in international markets are not based on fundamentals, as German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schäuble, said last Tuesday during a meeting in Berlin with his Spanish counterpart. Main problem Spain is liquidity, particularly with their banks. "

 Along with its ally, Rajoy plans to develop a new strategy to apply pressure to Chancellor Merkel. Facing south and north of Europe together. The same day, Draghi will have to explain to their colleagues in the Council of the ECB as its offer to print money is supposed to work.

The whole world is amazed how fast we have fallen

Jose Antonio Suarez Marchena, Sevilla, Spain. 
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Hello, my name is Jose Antonio Suarez, a student of fourth year of corporate communication in Univesidad Internacional of La Rioja. After 20 years of experience in journalism and corporartive communication now I, like thousands of Spanish journalists, I'm unemployed. I want to tell everyone, how it affects to Spanish citizens, the crisis we are experiencing.

The whole world is amazed at how fast we have fallen and how badly things have been done, but the world can not get an idea of how things have gotten worse in the last year. And worst of all is that this seems to have bottomed out and if we keep falling at this rate next year would be a finierno live in Spain.

The people we ask, why is passed this to us. We have the feeling of living in a Hollywood movie continuously, with a feeling of unreality. Until yesterday we lived pretty well, and today we come to what looks like a hell. Nobody warned us this would happen, the state don,t predicted or studied this scenario, nor have any idea how to get out.

I have done nothing to increase the crisis, nor have speculated, and I have no mortgage, nor am I a corrupt politician or done shady dealings. Why punish us this way. My answer is that for rich countries must have other impoverish and keep them dependent, as the U.S. did in all South America and now they are freed from their chains and now we are tying.

Do not go into macroeconomic issues that no one understands very well how and why they occur. Just want to tell you what its happen day to day of the people around me.

To me the face of the crisis is Albert, the son of the owner of the largest construction in my area that until a year ago employed almost a thousand people. Alberto studied architecture hoping someday to work in the family business on their land: now lives in Berlin and works as an architect. And yet he can consider himself lucky.

We are afraid. Do not know how deep we fall, as will the crisis affect our lives. It took five years of crisis and most begin to be demoralized by the bad news continued, and the horrible future ofview. And many people can not pay their bills for the situation.

Where I live

I live in a village in southern Spain, Marchena, near Seville, 20,000. Since the beginning of the crisis, the economic engine that was the construction is stopped. They built little, although there are still houses under construction. Everyone did business in the heat of the housing boom and often many middle class people have multiple homes.

But now, the houses are like true love can not be bought or sold, so this source of business is gone. What remains here in my area is agriculture. In the last 20 years, everyone left the farm work. For the first time people from many countries came to work, and now people my age 40 years and born in my town, who have computer engineering careers is returning to work in the field. Currently there are no something else. So many people prepared and educated is thinking about leave Spain.

I have friends who bought two or three houses, as many Spanish, but now at risk of defaulting on their mortgages. So the big hole in the Spanish banking comes from unpaid hipetcas homes. So they have a huge bag of homes that are not sold. At these banks is to support Target intenacional of 100,000 million euros.

Many can not understand that it helps the banks only and do not believe in any way, mechanisms that impact on improving the situation for citizens. Or that no legislative changes are made to keep the markets speculate against us citizens and the state.

Bandoleros are back in southern Spain

Deputy of UI Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo has justified the assault on two supermarkets in Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz) and Ecija (Seville), promoted by the Andalusian Union of Workers (SAT), which is a leader.

Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, who led the action in the area of ​​Seville, has claimed to have been carried out without violence. The attackers loaded several carts with food and necessities and then left without paying centers. The aim was to distribute food among the poorest neighborhoods of Andalusia, through the NGO Food Bank.

Since its founding a few years ago, the Andalusian Union of Workers -SAT- has been the union has received more attacks because of its independent status and not receive state subsidies. Now all the national press are designated as public enemy number one. But some things are not saying, nor informed of what the SAT is.

All the national press load inks right into a group of people who have nothing in common with the unions to use ie living on state aid and puts in question the current system of trade unions, while looking the other way before the excesses urban, widespread corrupt practices of the mayority parties.

The SAT is for the mayors trade unions UGT and CCOO the black beast in Andalucia, something they can not control, and are uncomfortable and annoying, in fact all the official press both openly declared socialist, as the openly pro PP charged against as the SAT have the slightest chance. The socialist because they are upset that a representative of the real left Andalusian soil they really can steal prominence and legitimacy and therefore state subsidies and government support. While CCOO and UGT own important buildings are spread throughout Andalucia, in cities and towns, vertical union inheritance received from Franco, the SAT does not receive state aid or public subsidies, or public buildings of any kind.

Some members of the SAT as Diego Cañamero have been pursued with fury by socialist candidates in towns where there have been only because they belong to a working option and left the real. Thus the Andalusian PSOE cob real fury has pursued all Permanent Secretaries Andalusian Workers' Union in recent years, with much more ardor against the neo-liberal and conservative.

The Andalusian Union of Workers has taken in recent months two farms, Turquillas and Somonte in Palma del Rio and Osuna, Ecija to employ workers in an area where unemployment rates have always been very high but now graze alarming rates, while the policies of the Junta de Andalucia and the government look the other way.

This is the first meeting between the state (PP) and the SAT and Madrid do not know how they spend Sanchez Gordillo. This is not a leader either, manages to perfect the techniques of propaganda, the media and is able to throw much of the rural Andalucia against the PP government, if the people see that one or some innocent will jail while tens or hundreds of suspected corrupt politicians go unpunished.

viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Martin Wolf en Financial Times: “España sólo cometió un gran error: adoptar el euro”

El diario británico Financial Times publica en su edición de internet un post de Martin Wolf (jefe comentarista económico del diario) que lleva por título: ¿Qué se suponía que tenía que haber hecho España?. En el texto se denuncia la imprevisión de las autoridades españolas, pero también se pone en cuestión que sea posible ahorrar el superavit : “no existe ni la más remota posibilidad de que una democracia pueda registrar tales superávits”. El diario plantea también que se podía haber evitado esta crisis si se hubieran restringido directamente los préstamos. Finalmente concluye: “España sólo cometió un gran error: adoptar el euro”.
Mirando hacia atrás, la única forma de la que las autoridades españolas podían haberse preparado para el golpe hubiera sido registrando superávits del 10% del PIB durante cinco o seis años antes de la crisis, generando así un posición positiva de valores netos de al menos el 20% del PIB. Esto tal vez habría bastado (aunque tampoco está claro), pero no existe ni la más remota posibilidad de que una democracia pueda registrar tales superávits.
Por cierto, el preciado pacto fiscal de Angela Merkel hubiera fracasado de forma inequívoca, ya que se pensaba que España había registrado superávits estructurales antes de la crisis, tal y como exige el pacto. ¿Qué más podrían haber hecho las autoridades españolas?
En efecto, podrían haber intentando detener los préstamos bancarios directos a través de la rápida reducción de los ratios préstamo-valor, o restringir directamente los préstamos. Hay dos razones para preguntarse si esto habría funcionado. En primer lugar, habría resultado desesperadamente impopular en España. En segundo lugar, en ese caso el préstamo podría haberse realizado directamente desde entidades extranjeras en lugar de españolas. ¿Habrían sido las autoridades españolas capaces de evitar esta afluencia bajo la normativa europea? Yo creo que no. (…)
En mi opinión, España sólo cometió un gran error: adoptar el euro. Si no lo hubiera hecho, es probable que ahora se pareciera más al Reino Unido: sí, la economía estaría en graves apuros, pero su tipo de cambio y sus intereses a largo plazo serían mucho más bajos. Después de todo, incluso en esta situación su posición fiscal no es peor que la británica, tal y como apunto en mi blog. Pero replantearse esta opción ya no es posible. Ahora necesita ayuda para sobrevivir a la crisis ¿Conseguirá España lo que necesita? Lo dudo. [leer aquí completo]